Office Tips | Unique Organisation Tactics of Boosting Your Efficiency in the Office

26 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

So you walk into your office every morning with a cup of coffee in one hand ready for the day. However, there are some days that simply don't work out. You laze around and your productivity drops to the floor. Well, in many cases, it's simply because you're not organised. You may be psyched up for work, but the fact that your environment is chaotic simply lowers the morale for work. Read More 

The Problem Of Grouting: How to Keep Grout Looking Clean and Fresh

21 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Tiled areas in bathrooms, kitchens and entryways are a blessing. They look good, they last a long time and they're easy to polish up to a sparkling shine. The one drawback for a lot of people is the grouting that must be used to keep them in place: It discolours easily, which can change the look of your entire room, and it's likely that whatever you do to clean the tiled surface itself won't get down far enough to have the same effect on the grout. Read More 

Some End-of-Lease Cleaning Tasks You Might Overlook

27 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Many apartment complexes require you to clean your apartment before you move out or risk losing a deposit. You might be thinking that a good vacuuming of the carpets and scrubbing of the bathroom is all that's needed, but usually there is much more involved when it comes to end-of-lease cleaning. Note a few tasks you might overlook so you're sure to get them done. Washer and dryer If your apartment has a washer and dryer, be sure you wash down the inside of the washer tub and completely clean the lint trap of the dryer. Read More 

Rubbish Removal | 4 Winning Strategies To Fill Up Your Skip Bin Smartly

13 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Undergoing a major home renovation or home building project means that you're probably going to face a massive rubbish removal task to get rid of the excess waste around your property. While hiring a skip bin is vital for this rubbish removal task, filling it up correctly is just as important if you want to avoid any expensive fines or added loading charges later. This guide equips you with winning strategies to fill up your skip bin smartly. Read More 

All’s Wool That Ends Wool: Cleaning And Caring For Sheepskin Rugs

6 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There's perhaps no better place in the world to be than Australia if you want to pick up a premium quality sheepskin rug, and these traditional rugs can add a luxurious, rustic air to any room. However, the distinctively soft and fluffy shag of a sheepskin rug can quickly become stained and matted without regular maintenance, turning a golden fleece into a greying eyesore. In addition, the soft leather backing of a sheepskin rug is delicate and easily damaged by many conventional rug cleaning methods. Read More